

Submit Your Prayer Request

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
couple1July 26, 2024Details
pet safety1March 5, 2024Details
Prayers0February 8, 2024Details
prayer0January 7, 2024Details
my son0November 19, 2023Details
prayer4May 14, 2023Details
God’s will0January 30, 2023Details
urgent prayer need help please2October 10, 2022Details
urgent prayer for phil and jack1July 14, 2022Details
Please pray for people in North Korea2May 16, 2022Details
Stolen Memories2April 5, 2022Details
Spiritual breakthrough2March 22, 2022Details
Spiritual breakthrough1March 22, 2022Details
pet1March 16, 2022Details
financial prayer1March 15, 2022Details
wisdom1December 30, 2021Details
Breakthrough for Team Dynamics0December 4, 2021Details
Mercy1November 24, 2021Details
pet helper1November 4, 2021Details
God's intervention0October 25, 2021Details
Please pray0September 11, 2021Details
Salvation2August 6, 2021Details
Kristina Gerasimova 1July 31, 2021Details
Theology Study And Church Internship, Etc.2July 13, 2021Details
I need healing2April 29, 2021Details
I need healing1April 10, 2021Details
Prayer Request1March 30, 2021Details
Holy Grace1March 16, 2021Details
pets1February 23, 2021Details
Husband's salvation2December 21, 2020Details
Mercy & Grace & Protection0November 24, 2020Details
pet home0October 29, 2020Details
Mercy0September 24, 2020Details
Stroke1May 25, 2020Details
freedom1April 27, 2020Details
pet in danger1November 27, 2019Details
Finances3May 16, 2019Details


an ba
please pray for a man to call his wife every day. Thanks

pet safety

Please pray for a good woman Irena to receive several calls. messages with a house offer for a ginger cat. If he is taken to a shelter, he can be killed there. Pray for his safety and protection and good relationships with other pets. Pray that the message will be shared on all social media.thanks


Hello. My name is Marko. Can you pray for me? Pray that: – That I finally have a girlfriend that I like and will be married this year. -That i have job i want Thank for your prayers and all the best


Ryan Fonderie
Prayer in the name of Jesus for the Spirit of Wrath, Recklessness, Unconcern, Fear of Relationships, and Favoritism that compartmentalizes relationships against each other to get redone under His name. My friends are emotionally zombies after the fall of the world to where their idea of friendship is so messed up that they hate me over religion ardently.

my son

Rosalia Latorre
Pray for Andres, my son, who is at UC Berkeley, he can return to God and be an instrument in God’s hands


Please remember me and my family in prayer during a terrible crisis situation we are going through. Please Pray that we have a favorable outcome. Thank You and May God Bless You! Anonymous

God’s will

Ha-yeong Shin
Please pray the following for Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and for all of you. I want the will of the true God, who knows all our needs, to transcend our personal will. 1??. Pray that Jesus Christ will speak the following words come true to us — 1)“Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out his workers into his harvest field.” -[Luke? ?10?:?2?] 2)“When someone stronger(Jesus) than he(demon, unclean spirits, = thieves) attacks him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.”[ ??Luke? ?11?:?22? ] 2??.Help us keep the commandments by the will of Jesus Christ and let God’s promised kingdom come. 3??. Pray for Jesus Christ to reveal to us the work of Father God and for that will to be done perfectly and holy. I want that the Son wills to reveal the Father God to us and reveal Him directly to us. 4??. Let us worship Father God in the Spirit and in truth but let us worship not according to a person’s will but solely by the will intended by Jesus.

urgent prayer need help please

Hello, thank you for praying, I ask for a financial blessing in my businesses, buying apartments, I am a missionary, I work the internet, salvation and healing souls, thank you, for daddy Jack, good health, more income and for a silent problem to solve, for Irina, financial blessing, thank you If you could consider donate and subscribe my ministry thank you

urgent prayer for phil and jack

Hello if you could pray thanks you Philip and Jack are financial need Dad lost contracts He send me mission field For me success trading and businesses Friends financianl stability , freedom To leave mission field soon God provides abundantly Healing fearn anxiety worry, court case success outcome For brother Billy bipolar mom dad heart health And for Raul amputated and paralized thank you If you would be kind enough to donate to my ministry, add comments blog posts and forum thank you blessed day

Please pray for people in North Korea

Please continue to pray for the people in North Korea and that God's great grace, providence and mercy would be over them, that God's angels would protect the weak and that they would be eased from the multitude of sufferings that are on them. Thank you. God bless you.

Stolen Memories

Theo Nemeth
I need the Church to please pray that I recover my box full of recorded Mini DV's with sentimental Church memories that had been stolen out of my relatives Car since January. Please pray that I get them in whatever way I possibly can in the name of the Lord. I do not believe the person that removed these Mini DV Tapes out of my relatives Car threw them away. Please pray that I can get these Mini DV Tapes back. You can do it, Prayer Warriors. Thank you in advance. Matthew 21:22.

Spiritual breakthrough

I would like to solicit your intercessory prayers for being able to surrender fully to God, strongholds in my life, and crisis I have while I fast and pray for clarity on these matters. Thank you,

Spiritual breakthrough

I would like to solicit your intercessory prayers for being able to surrender fully to God, strongholds in my life, and crisis I have while I fast and pray for clarity on these matters. Thank you,


an ba
please pray for a poor white grey cat 5 y. to get a dopted from animal shelter U. very soon.Pray for many home offers, also from abroad. Thanks

financial prayer

Hello If you could pray urgently for dad Jack needs new contracts long term get along well with co workers For me big account and success in trading stocks to monetize mission trips for house For financial indepedence, hapiness peace getting along with people thank yçu


arkadi .
Please pray for me to know God's will and do the way God wants me to do. I want to have God's will in my life.

Breakthrough for Team Dynamics

Seth M
In our ministry, I lead a regular meeting where I provide leadership, guidance and tasks for many projects. It’s been painful. I’m in a team of 2 that works hard and understands the projects well, but leading a meeting for a Development Team that has deep-seated hostility and contempt towards us, but does not know the projects. Pray for me, for great wisdom in leading these meetings. That it will be recognized that I’m qualified to lead this, and no one will feel threatened by this. Pray that my words and leadership will bring breakthrough and deliverance to the culture and team dynamics. Pray for the wisdom to lead us into a culture of health and deep mutual love and respect. A team dynamic that is absolutely truthful, honest, authentic, where it is SAFE to tell the truth. A culture that brings out the diversity of views with respect and love, and severely restrains the authority of bullies. A culture where hard issues are addressed, are safe to address, and are resolved. Thank you.


Rob R
Please pray for the restoration of my health and my release, for the intercession and protection of the Holy Spirit in my life and job, and in the life of Fátima Rodriguez. May the Holy Spirit intercede in all of Michele Rios's actions; may all her actions become blessings from God. In Jesus' name, amen. Thanks!

pet helper

a. b.
Please pray for a woman to successfully catch a poor cat, she wants to adopt them, otherwise pet can die from the cold in winter. Thank you

God's intervention

Ryan M
I would like to request prayer for guidance for having difficulty of getting good quality sleep and this in turn resulting in difficulty being mentally alert, motivated, and focus on day to day activities, also pray that God give me guidance in knowing if I should perusing doing a at home kit for anexity and depression or persue something else that is needed for my issues, for knowing what personal life goals for my life should be and being able to achieve them, being able to differentiate between a challenging task I can endure through though hard, but can successively accomplish versus feeling like it's unbearable to sustainably endure through the challenge and knowing what is needed to endure through it sufficiently, to know why is it that I cannot succeed in successively living the Christian life style and gain victory or experiences that He intends for my life and why do I only see failures or confusing in my past after I had come to knowing Him in my life, and with all this I ask also that God let me know how do I cooperate with Him in letting Him answer this prayer, how can I wait for his answer if I feel that I'm drowning in the water and awaiting His hand to pull me to shore when I just feel this is unsafe state to stay in and needs a immediate response, and to request that the answer He gives may not be what I want to hear, but let me accept it and embrace it. Also when you do give a anwer, enable me know it is your answer and not to be confuse or unsure. Lastly, I also say that God do all He can to save me, but I also pray that He help me not miss out on anything you are giving to save me that you make it clear that this is indeed a offer to save me or lead me into your will.

Please pray

Edmund Krzeminski
[We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher? Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end. Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18). * Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only, * the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." * my family: 1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case. 2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15 3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin, 4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.


Please pray that B will give his heart to Christ and be saved in God's kingdom. Pray that he lives a long life and not lose his life prematurely because he is unprepared for heaven. Pray that he can get the victory over drugs and alcohol

Kristina Gerasimova

Gunnar Neuman
Hello! I am seeking prayer for my best friend and recent ex fiancée Kristina Gerasimova. Very recently she drastically and suddenly changed and started desiring evil things instead of good. I watched her countenance change and I watched her lose many blessings. She looks weak now and in pain. She is with the wrong crowd of people. Perhaps there is something between her and God. Perhaps a demonic power is working upon her. Please lift her up in your prayers. Pray for deliverance and renewed Strength in Jesus Christ. Amen. Thank you

Theology Study And Church Internship, Etc.

Philip de Rivaz
I am studying theology at Newbold College in the UK, hoping to continue with an MA within two months and doing a part-time internship at Newbold Church - also please pray for my finances and accommodation, thank you, Philip.

I need healing

Jim Smith
Please pray I am healed of stomach problems and bad daily pain. Pills don't help. Doctors are not helping. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you. Love you. God bless you.0

I need healing

James Smith
Please pray I am healed of stomach problems and bad daily pain. Pills don't help. Doctors are not helping. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you. Love you. God bless you.

Prayer Request

Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray for the removal of debt regarding Lorraine, in Jesus’ name. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie

Holy Grace

Rob R
Please pray with me! Heavenly Father, for the sake of Jesus, your dear Son, have mercy on us, and hear my humble prayer. I pray for Marcos de Souza Lima, that his live and actions might be guided and guarded by the Holy Spirit. I pray that you might help me Lord in my Job and in my Life, and in my Health; transforming my story. Please be with my dear Fatima Rodriguez, that she has a sense of your direction and spirit of knowledge. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you!


an ba
Please pray for the community of animal friends and the shelter Saldus. to succesfully promote and rescue 3 poor cats, two blackwhite cat andone greywhite at risk of euthanasia. Pray for her to get to a safe home, also abroad. Only a short time left. thanks

Husband's salvation

Sheela Sharath
Please pray for my husband Sharath's salvation. He walked away from Christ, away from our marriage and started worshiping idols (eastern religion). But God has promised me that He will lead him to repentance and use him and me in His work. All I can see is things getting worse, but I walk by faith not by sight. So please pray, I want my husband to accept Jesus and come back to me. God has promised to restore every thing back to me, so I'm waiting patiently. Also, couple of my friends (Jeba and Rose) are sick, please pray for their healing. God bless you all for your ministry. Thank you!

Mercy & Grace & Protection

Rob R
Please pray with me for my Mother and for the blessing of the Lord in My Life & Job. May the Grace, Peace and Protection of the holy spirit dwell in our lives. And that through the blood of Jesus, may we pray for the mercy and healing of the Lord in the life of Marcos de Souza Lima. Blessed be, amen. Thank you!

pet home

a. b.
please pray for ginger cat 10 y. to get a dopted and get out of animal shelter very soon! Thanks


Rob R
Please pray fervently that Marcos de Souza Lima be guided by the Holy Spirit. May all his actions be tied up in the Lord's hands. Blessed be my Mother and Fátima Rodriguez, My Live & Job; that the Grace & Mercy & Protection of our Lord Jesus be in our lives, amen. Thank You!


Vlado Arsov
Please pray for my father Kiro who had a stroke on Friday. He is in the ICU, not able to move, speak or eat. We are heartbroken and scared, but we know God is the best healer. Amen


Arkadii Boichuk
Please pray for me to have complete spiritual freedom and all my heart to belong to Jesus, to be blessed financially. Thanks a lot!

pet in danger

please pray for poor kitten 5 m.old to get adopted nad get out of the street very soon! Thanks


I would like prayer for my finances.
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.